
  • 0 Lessons

    CGC1D: Geography of Canada

    This course examines interrelationships within and between Canada's natural and human systems and how these systems interconnect with those in other parts of the world. Students will explore environmental, economic, and social geographic issues relating to topics such as transportation options, energy choices, and urban development. Students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including spatial technologies, to investigate various geographic issues and to develop possible approaches for making Canada a more sustainable place to live.

  • 20 Lessons

    ENG1D: English

    This course is designed to develop the oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that students need for success in their secondary school academic programs and in their daily lives. Students will analyse literary texts from contemporary and historical periods, interpret informational and graphic texts, and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will be on the use of strategies that contribute to effective communication. The course is intended to prepare students for the Grade 10 academic English course, which leads to university or college preparation courses in Grades 11 and 12.

  • 0 Lessons

    HRE1O: Religious Education

    This course engages students in the examination of the Christian narrative as revealed in Sacred Scripture. Students are invited to a deeper understanding of both the joy and the demands of living out the call to discipleship as it is described in the Scriptures. Students explore discipleship as encountered in the Sacred Tradition of the Church (Sacraments, Liturgical Year and Church Teaching and Law), as part of their ongoing personal growth and faith understanding. Students explore Catholic rituals, teaching, practice, morals and values, and virtues to facilitate a healthy and covenantal relationship with self, God and with others. Using theological reflection, they are challenged to explore the connections and disconnections of ethical concepts (euthanasia, abortion, sexuality, etc.) between the Church and contemporary culture. The course focuses on encouraging students to know and love by following in the footsteps of Jesus. As they learn of his words and deeds, they discover the importance of prayerfully serving the community to bring about the Reign of God.