Code of Behaviour


Attendance and Regulatory Policy

It is essential that students keep regular attendance towards their online assignments/quizzes or any other course work. Students should regularly use the online discussion forum and communicate with teachers and administrators to ensure success in their course(s).

The principal will maintain an online login record

of students and teachers. All students and teachers are expected to log into CI Learning LMS regularly.

The principal and the course instructor

will monitor student’s progress through attendance and grades.

Students may complete a course

in as few as in twenty-three days or take up to 4 months to complete their course.

Students may switch to another course

within seven days of the start of a course only if prerequisites are met.

Students who leave a course

without completing it must communicate to the principal via email.

If a student has any medical issue

that does not allow him/her to continue the course and the student has completed 90% of the course, the administration will allow them to complete the course within one year.


Safe School Environment

There is a direct link between success in school and the school environment in which student learning takes place. Students are more motivated to do well and achieve their full potential in schools that have a positive school culture and one in which they feel safe and supported. (Safe Schools Action Team, 2008, p. 1)

It is expected that all students

at CI Learning must treat other students with respect and dignity.

Our goal is to build a community

where every individual who participates in our course(s) feels welcomed and respected.

All students must respect teachers

administrators, and others to create a positive learning community. In the same manner, all teachers and administrators are expected to respect students and parents/guardians. The administration team will make sure to implement a safe online school environment that exemplifies inclusiveness for every individual, which is essential for a student's wellbeing.

Any form of threat, distasteful remarks,

abuse, or harassment by any individual that may affect a student's emotions and wellbeing is not permitted. It will be reported to the school administration immediately. The admin will take appropriate measures, if necessary.


Code of Conduct for Computer Use

Users of the CI Learning LMS will not knowingly access, upload, download, store, display, distribute or publish any information that violates or infringes the rights of any other person according to the school policies, Ministry of Education policies, the Ontario Human Rights Code, or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Learning Management System OR LMS

is solely for educational purposes. Any misuse of this platform is prohibited.

The principal has the right to revoke

a student’s privilege if a student misuses LMS. The principal may terminate the registration of the student, if necessary.

Students should be well aware that any activity

on an online platform is not private. The school reserves the right to monitor any inappropriate activity in a student's account and has the right to take necessary action.

If a student receives an inappropriate

e-mail or message from anyone related to CI learning, the student must report the situation immediately to the principal.


Policy on Academic Integrity

Canadian International Learning LMS includes software that can detect plagiarism. A CI Learning student must demonstrate honesty and exhibit ethical behaviour in all aspects of their learning journey. All credits earned at CI Learning are established through principles of morality and academic integrity. Any behaviour that represents academic dishonesty can result in serious consequences, e.g., a grade of zero on that assignment/quiz, a mark of F (fail), suspension, or expulsion from the school.

It is the student’s responsibility to recognize what constitutes academic dishonesty.

The three forms of academic dishonesty include but not limited to:

Plagiarism. e.g., submitting work that is not theirs or copying from the internet.
Improper collaboration on assignments.
Copying or using unauthorized aids in quizzes, culminating activities, and final exams.