Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

The evaluation and evidence of each student’s learning are essential to Canadian International Learning.

Providing opportunities to students to demonstrate their ability on a particular topic through assignments and quizzes.
Student’s posts and peer communication on the course discussion forum.
Student’s posts and peer communication on the course discussion forum.
Student’s posts and peer communication on the course discussion forum.
Setting specific goals for a student’s learning and setting directions so that they may be able to assess their own learning.
Providing accommodations to students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

The Achievement Chart

The achievement chart for each discipline can be found on the curriculum policy document. The four categories mentioned in the chart are the levels of achievement a student will be awarded as the final grade.

These four levels are distributed into four categories: Knowledge/Understanding, Thinking/Inquiry, Communication, and Application. The weight of all these categories is set distinctively for different courses.

The level of achievement helps teachers to assess the strengths and needs of students to bring them to Ontario’s Provincial standards or above. Our teachers use different methods and tools to improve the quality of learning for students. It is important to understand that all students whose provincial standard is Level 3 or above means that they are well prepared for the next grade. Any student who achieves a final grade of Level 1 or below 50% must repeat the course.

Percentage Grade Range
Achievement Level
Summary Description
Level 4
The student has achieved the level above than the provincial standards in the curriculum.
Level 3
The student has exactly achieved the provincial standards in the curriculum.
Level 2
The student has achieved a moderate level but approaching the provincial level in the curriculum.
Level 1
The student has achieved below the provincial standards in the curriculum.
below 50%
Level R
The student has not shown sufficient achievement in the curriculum. The credit will not be granted.
All achievements of students under 18 are reported to students and their parents. For adult learners (18+ years), report cards will be sent directly to them. For more information regarding reporting, please refer to the Evaluation and Reporting Guide in the Growing Success.
The purpose of the evaluation is to provide the student’s achievement and understanding of the subject. The report cards will be provided to the students or parents in which the final grade will reflect the overall achievement of the student according to the Ontario curriculum guidelines. In the start of the course, every teacher would provide the expectation of the course in which the weight distribution of each strand will be mentioned. Based on professional judgement, students will be evaluated on the overall expectations of the curriculum.

Reporting on Demonstrated Learning Skills and Work Habits​

There are six categories in which the secondary provincial report cards provide the record of learning skills and work habits established by students.
The four-point scales are being used for work habits:
E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, and N=need Improvement.
The teacher’s additional comment would be used for the encouragement and further step needs to be taken by the student.

Independent Work

How our teachers evaluate and grant the final grade?

How our teachers evaluate and grant the final grade?

  • Each course has a final assessment in the form of a ­­­final exam or final project. 30% of the grade will be based on a final evaluation.
  • The final Exam/ Project will be the same for the same course for all students.
  • Teachers at CI Learning will collect all the evidence of the learning of the students. For example, A student has submitted all the assignments on time and has worked diligently (OR) has submitted most of the assignments but missed some of them (OR) has submitted only a few assignments.
  • Before granting the final grade, the teacher will consider all the factors which contribute to the final grade of the student. By the professional judgment of the teacher, the report card would reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement.
  • The teacher will work with the principal and other teachers for a fair and equitable grading system according to the directions of the Ontario Ministry of Education.
  • Accommodations are provided to the students with an IEP or special needs.

How are Final Exams or Course Culminating Activity Conducted?

  • Before writing the final exam or submitting the Course Culminating Activity (CCA), make sure all the assignments, quizzes, and discussion posts are completed and submitted to your teacher.
  • For the authentication of the final exam, the student or parents will have to arrange for a proctor. A Proctor is someone who can provide the services to the student to supervise at the time of writing the exam. Proctor could be any professional e.g. a teacher, police officer, lawyer, bank manager, etc.
  • A proctor should not be related to the student, e.g. a friend or family member.
  • Students who take the same course would be evaluated similarly, for example, if the student is writing the final exam of ENG4U (grade 12 University preparation English), the other student who is writing the exam for the same course would be given the same exam.
  • Proctor would be provided with a special passcode which will be revealed to the student at the time of their exam or Course Culminating Activity (CCA).

How are Final Exams or Course Culminating Activity Conducted?

Reporting Periods

At Canadian International Learning, a student can complete a course in a minimum of four weeks up to a maximum of 12 months. First reporting will be done when a student completes a half course or 10 lessons. The final report will be completed when the student completes the course and writes the final exam or the Course Culminating Activity. The students complete the course according to their own pace.

Accommodations For Exceptional Students

Canadian International Learning is committed to ensuring that all students, especially those with special needs, are provided with the learning opportunities and supports they require to gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence. The special education programs and services for students at Canadian International Learning pertains to a legal framework set by The Education Act and the regulations related to it. It includes the comprehensive procedure for the identification of exceptional pupils, for the placement of those pupils in an educational setting where the special education programs and services appropriate to their needs can be delivered, and for the review of the identification of exceptional pupils and their placement.

If a student requires any accommodations, CI Learning considers the needs of exceptional students as set out in the existing Individual Educational Plan. Our online courses offer a vast range of opportunity for students with special education needs to acquire the knowledge and skills required. There are several technical and learning aids that can assist in meeting the needs of exceptional students. In the process of taking their online course, students may use a personal amplification system, teletypewriter(via Bell relay service), an oral or a single-language interpreter, a scribble, specialized computer programs, time extensions, ability to change font size, oral readers, etc.
Canadian International Learning provides accommodations to students with special education needs in the form of Instructional, environmental or assessment. It allows them to access the curriculum without changes to the course curriculum expectations.

The School Library/ Resource Centre

At CI Learning, teachers assist students in accessing a variety of online resources and collections, for example, eBooks, online software (, EDISON), professional articles, simulations, image galleries, video clips, and databases. Our teachers also guide students on the concept of ownership of work and the importance of copyright in all forms of media.
The school library program at CI Learning helps build and transform students’ knowledge to support a lifelong experience. This program supports student success across the curriculum by encouraging students to read which helps them improve their thinking and inquiry skills and to effectively use the information gathered through research.