This course enables students to examine the factors that influence their own health
practices and behaviours as well as those factors that contribute to the development of
healthy communities. It emphasizes the concept of wellness, which addresses all aspects
of well-being – physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, and social – and promotes healthy
eating, physical activity, and building and maintaining a positive sense of self. Students
will develop the skills necessary to make healthy choices and create a personal wellness
plan. They will also design initiatives that encourage others to lead healthy, active lives.
The course prepares students for college programs in health sciences, fitness, wellness,
and health promotion.
Grade: 11
Level: University/College Prep
Prerequisite: None
Credit Value: 1
For the Curriculum Expectation Please click Here
Required Software, Equipment, Textbooks
Some of the activities in this course will require the installation of some free software "plugins" on your computer. Normally, the computer will prompt you to install the plugin when you need it, but if you want to install them ahead of time, you can use the links below. Installing these plugins is easy, and you will be given step by step instructions. Click on the links below to take you to the install pages. Please note that some of these installs can take some time if you are using a dial up Internet connection.
Geometer's Sketchpad
During this course you will be required to use a program called Geometer's Sketchpad. This is a dynamic geometry program which can be downloaded for free.If you are unfamiliar with Sketchpad, you can view an online tutorial at Atomic Learning. Here there are over 50 online tutorials on using sketchpad. They require the use of the Quicktime movie viewer which can be downloaded at Also, throughout the course, as you encounter the sketchpad files, solutions will follow. In the beginning units, these solutions will be more explicit in how to use sketchpad, but those instructions will diminish as you go through the course.
During this course you will also be required to use a program called Fathom. You can download if for free from Microsoft. If you are unfamiliar with Fathom, you can view a walkthrough guide and online tutorials at Key Press website.
Other Free Graphing technology
If you do not currently have graphing software installed on your computer, please take the time to install some before beginning this course. Some popular options, are: GeoGebra, GraphCalc, Winplot, and QuickGraph. The first two are the main ones that will be used in this course.
Java Runtime Environment
This program is needed to run a variety of applets in this course. Download the Java applets now.
This software is a handy tool for preparing flowchart types of diagrams. It is a piece of software that is licensed to school boards in Ontario. If you work from home there are many free and online tools that can be used if you conduct a web search for “mind mapping software”.
Apple QuickTime
QuickTime lets you add digital video media capabilities and components to your Mac or PC. Download Apple QuickTime .
Shockwave, Flash, and Authorware
Macromedia's Shockwave, Flash and Authorware Player plugins let you experience automation and entertainment in your Web browser. Download Shockwave, Flash and Authorware software.
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Free software that lets you view, print, search, and share Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files more securely using a variety of platforms and devices. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader .
Real Networks RealPlayer
Play online audio and video content. Download Real Networks RealPlayer
Microsoft Media Player
Windows Media Player supports Windows Media (WMA,ASF), MP3, WAV, MIDI, AVI, and other formats. Download Microsoft MediaPlayer.
Teachers will be flexible in terms of what a student uses to complete work, as long as the work meets the expectations of the assignment and can be submitted electronically in a standard format.
Course Content
Unit 1: Factors That Determine Good Health
